How To Control & Prevent Scorpions
Scorpions are arachnids and closely related to ticks, mites, and spiders. They are very common in the Southern and Southwestern U.S. Most scorpions in the U.S. are not poisonous with the exception of 2 species found in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas.
Scorpions have long, slender bodies and a 5-segmented tail tipped with a stinger that can be arched over their back. Sizes vary by species, but most are about 2 inches long when fully grown. They range in color from yellow, blue, reddish brown, and black.
Scorpions are most active at night. They feed on insects, spiders, centipedes and other scorpions. Larger scorpions occasionally feed on smaller lizards, snakes and mice. They locate their prey primarily by sensing vibrations, but can also survive without eating for 6 months. During the day, scorpions hide under stones, in piles of rocks, in wood piles, and under the bark of trees. They enter our homes seeking water and shelter.
What To Do and Helpful Tips
- Seal all cracks in windows and doors. Check the foundation of the building for entry points. Keep your place free of other pests which will eliminate the scorpion's food source.
- Remove outdoor daytime hiding places such as piles of trash, stones, boards, and piles of firewood.
Scorpions will illuminate in the dark under a UV light.