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Your yard is a place for family and pets to enjoy, not insects. Ortho® Bug B-gon™ Lawn Insect Killer works above and below the surface to kill 142 insects. The granules kill by contact and work on ants, fleas, ticks, grubs, spiders, crickets, beetles and more*. This fast-acting pest control kills by contact and starts to kill listed insects except fire ants in minutes. Protect your lawn, landscapes, flower and vegetable gardens, as well as the perimeter around your home against ants for up to 6 months**. Apply at first sight of insect activity or damage. You can also preemptively apply in the early spring to prevent infestation. Use a Scotts® spreader to apply granules, and then thoroughly water in the area after application. Allow the area to dry before people and pets re-enter. One 10 lb. bag treats up to 16,500 sq. ft. of lawn and landscape. *see back panel for full list **excludes pharoah, carpenter and harvester ants
Where to Use
When to Apply
How Often to Apply
Watering Tips
Using with other Products
Mixing Directions
Ants (Acrobat, Allegheny Mound, Argentine, Big Headed, Black Turf, Citronella, Cornfield, Crazy, Fire, Ghost, Lasius spp, Little Black, Odorous, Pavement, Pyramid, Red Harvester, Small Honey, Sugar, Thief, White-Footed), Armyworms (Fall, Lawn), Beetles (Asiatic Garden, European Chafers, Green June, Masked Chafers, May/June, Oriental, Sugarcane, Billbugs (Bluegrass & Hunting), Black Turfgrass Ataenius, Dichondra Flea, Ground, Lady Beetles (Asian, Convergent, Seven-Spotted, Thirteen-Spotted & Twice-Stabbed), Weevils (Annual Bluegrass)), Bristletails, Caterpillars (Bagworms, Cutworms (Black, Bronzed, Granulate & Variegated), Fiery Skipper, Striped Grassworm, Webworms (Sod & Tropical Sod)), Centipedes, Chinch Bugs, Crickets (Arizona, Common Short Tailed, Eastern Striped, Fall Field, House, Indies Short Tailed, Northern Wood, Sand Field, Southeastern Field, Southern Wood, Spring Field, Texas Field, Tropical, Variable Field, Vocal Field, Western Striped), Earwigs, Firebrats, Fleas (cat), Flies (European Crane (adult and larvae), Frit, Fruit), Fungus Gnat (Adults and Larvae), Grasshoppers, Greenbug, Grubs (In vegetable gardens), Leaf-footed bugs, Leafhoppers, Leafrollers (Omnivorous), Mealybugs, Millipedes, Mites, Mole Crickets (Southern, Tawny, European, Northern, Prairie, Short-Winged), Moths (Lucerne), Pillbugs, Plant Bugs, Scale, Scorpions (Arizona Stripetail, California Common, Dune, Eastern Sand, Lesser Stripetail, Northern, Southern Unstriped, Yellow Ground), Seed Maggots, Sowbugs, Spiders (Burrowing Wolf, Longbodied Cellar, Marbled Cellar, Pirate Wolf, Shortbodied Cellar, Thinlegged Wolf), Spittle Bugs (Two Lined), Springtails, Ticks (American Dog, Brown Dog, Deer (including those that transmit Lyme Disease)), Treehoppers, Webworms (Grass), Weevils (Black Vine (larvae)), Root (larvae)), and Wireworms.
People and pets may re-enter the area after it has dried.
This product is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow this pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters, or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Sweeping any product that lands on a driveway, sidewalk, or street, back onto the treated area of the lawn will help to prevent runoff to water bodies or drainage systems.