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Kill outdoor insects with Ortho® BugClear™ Insect Killer for Lawns & Landscapes Ready-to-Spray bottle. This pest control product kills 235 listed bugs, including ants, ticks, mosquitoes (including those that may transmit West Nile Virus), fleas, spiders, hornets, scorpions, beetles, periodical cicadas, and other listed insects (see product label for full list). Non-staining and odor free, Ortho® BugClear™ Insect Killer for Lawns & Landscapes Ready-to-Spray starts killing within minutes and provides long-lasting control in your yard. Use this product on lawns, around home perimeters, ornmentals, flowers, trees, shrubs, and listed vegetables and fruit trees. Apply when bugs first start to appear. It's easy to protect your backyard from bugs-just attach your hose to the sprayer and follow label directions for your lawn, plants, or home perimeter as applicable. One 32-oz. bottle of Ortho® BugClear™ Insect Killer provides treatment for a 5,300 sq. ft. lawn, 1,400 sq. ft. of foundation or perimeter, or across 2,700 sq. ft. of foliage.
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Where to Use
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Using with other Products
Adelgids (Eastern Sprucegall), Ants (Argentine, Carpenter, Harvester, Imported Fire, Lasius, Odorous House, Pavement, Pharaoh/Sugar, Pyramid), Aphids (Apple, Black Cherry, Black Pecan, Buckhorn, Greenbug, Pea, Root, Rose, Rosy Apple, Walnut, Yellow Pecan), Bees, Beetles (Bean Leaf, Billbugs (Bluegrass), Cucumber (Banded, Spotted & Striped), Black Turfgrass Ataenius, Blister, Brown Leaf Notcher, Carpet, Colorado Potato, Corn Rootworm Larvae (Mexican, Northern, Southern, & Western), Curculio (Cow Pea & Plum), Elm Leaf, Flea (Black, Dichondra, & Sweetpotato), Ground, Japanese Adult, Ladybeetles, Mexican Bean, Pine Chafer, Pine Shoot, Red Flour, Rose Chafer, Sap, Southern Corn Leaf, Weevils (Annual Bluegrass, Black Vine, Blue Green Citrus Root, Carrot, Cranberry, Diaprepes Root, Little Leaf Notcher, Northern Pine, Orchard, Orchid, Pea Leaf, Pecan, Pepper, Pine Shoot, & Sweetpotato), Whitefringed), Borers (American Plum, Common Stalk, European Corn, Hop Vine, Lesser Peachtree, Peach Twig, Peachtree, Southern Corn, Southwestern Corn, Squash Vine, Stalk), Boxelder Bug, Caterpillars (Alfalfa, Alfalfa Looper, Armyworm (Beet, Fall, Southern, True, & Yellowstriped), Bagworms, Blueberry Spanworm, Budworm, Casebearers (Pecan Leaf & Pecan Nut), Celery Leaftier, Corn Earworm (same as Tomato Fruitworm), Cross-Striped, Cabbageworm, Cutworms (Black & Western Bean), Filbertworm, Fruitworms (Cranberry, Green, & Tomato), Green Cloverworm, Hickory Shuckworm, Imported Cabbageworm, Loopers (Cabbage & Celery), Melonworm, Navel Orangeworm, Orange Tortrix, Painted Lady, Pickleworm, Rindworm, Saltmarsh, Tent, Hornworms (Tobacco & Tomato), Tomato Pinworm, Webworms (Fall, Mimosa, Oak, & Sod), Velvetbean), Centipedes, Chinch Bugs (False ,Hairy, Southern), Cockroaches (American, Asian, Brown Banded, German, Smoky Brown), Crickets, Earwigs, Fleas (Cat, Dog), Fleahoppers, Flies (Apple Maggot, Biting Flies, Cherry Fruit, Cornsilk, European Crane, House, Walnut Husk), Fungus Gnats, Grasshoppers, Hornets, Lace Bugs, Leafooted Bugs (Squash Bug), Leafhoppers (Aster/California, Corn, Eastern Grape, Glassy Winged Sharpshooter, Potato, Southern Garden, Western Grape), Leafminers (Alder, Boxwood, Holly, Oak, Spruce Needle, Tentiform, Vegetable), Leafrollers (Oblique Banded, Red-Banded, Variegated), Mealybugs, Midges, Millipedes, Mites (Banks Grass, Broad, Carmine, Chigger, Clover, European, Grain, Pacific Spider, Pecan Leaf Scorch, Pecan Scorch, Red Spider, Spider, Spruce, Two-Spotted Spider), Mole Crickets, Mosquitos* (Malaria, Northern House, Yellowfever, *including those that may transmit the Chikungunya virus, yellow fever, dengue fever, encephalitis, West Nile Virus and Zika Virus), Moths (Artichoke Plume, Codling, Diamondback, Gypsy, Lucerne, Oriental Fruit, Zimmerman Pine), Periodical Cicadas, Pillbugs & Rollie Pollies, Plant Bugs (Tarnished, Lygus Bugs), Phylloxera (Pecan Leaf, Pecan), Psyllids, Sawflies (European Pine, Redheaded Pine, Rose Slug), Scales (Brown Soft, California Red, Euonymus, Pine Needle, San Jose), Scorpions, Sowbugs, Spiders (Black Widow, Brown Recluse, Daddy Long Legs, Hobo, Pirate Wolf), Spittlebugs (Meadow, Pecan), Stink Bugs (Brown Marmorated, Kudzu), Springtails, Termites, Thrips, Ticks* (American Dog, Brown Dog, Deer *including ticks that may transmit Lyme disease), Treehoppers (Threecornered Alfalfa Hopper), Wasps, Whiteflies, Wireworms (Corn, Southern Potato), Yellowjackets
People and pets may enter treated areas after the spray has dried.
To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters, or surface waters.