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Ortho® GroundClear® Weed and Grass Killer Super Concentrate1 kills the toughest weeds & grasses to the root. This product provides broad-spectrum control of weeds and grasses with ingredients that work on contact. Ortho® GroundClear® Weed & Grass Killer Super Concentrate1 is ideal to use around perennial landscape plants, shrubs, trees, patios, walkways, driveways, in gravel or mulch beds. To use: 1) Unscrew cap from pouch and empty entire pouch into a reusable Ortho® bottle or tank sprayer 2) Fill bottle or tank sprayer with ½ gallon of water, 3) Securely screw cap onto bottle of sprayer 4) Shake gently 5) Spray as directed. One ½ gallon covers 175 sq. ft. Spray only the weeds that need killed by thoroughly wetting the foliage to cover, but do not spray to runoff. Apply when weeds are actively growing and when the air temperature is above 60°F with calm air. See visible results within hours after application, with complete kill in 1-2 weeks. A single application controls most listed weeds.
Single Dose Pouch
Where Not to Use
Where to Use
When to Apply
How Often to Apply
Alder; Aspen, Quaking; Bahiagrass; Barley, Wild; Bedstraw; Beggarweed; Beggarweed, Creeping; Beggarweed, Florida; Bermudagrass; Bentgrass; Bindweed, Field; Blackberry, Wild; Bluegrass; Bluegrass, Annual; Bluegrass, Kentucky; Brassbuttons; Broadleaf Signalgrass; Bromegrass; Bromegrass, Smooth; Brownseed; Brome, Downy; Bur clover; Buttercup; Buttercup, Roughseed; Buttercup, Tall; Carrot, Wild (Queen Anne's Lace); Catchfly, Nightflowering; Cattail; Ceanothus; Centipedegrass; Chamomile, Corn; Cheeseweed; Chickweed; Chickweed, Common; Chickweed, Mouseear; Clover; Clovers (Annual); Clover, Red; Clover, Sweet; Clover, White; Cockle, White; Cocklebur; Cogongrass; Coral bead; Crabgrass; Crabgrass, Hairy; Crabgrass, Large; Crabgrass, Smooth; Crabgrass, Southern; Crabgrass, Tropical; Creeping Charlie; Cupgrass, Prairie; Cupgrass, Southwestern; Cupgrass, Woolly; Cudweed, Purple; Dallisgrass; Dandelion; Dandelion, False; Dewberry; Dock, Curly; Dog fennel (Cypressweed); Evening Primrose; Evening Primrose, Common; Evening Primrose, Cutleaf; Fennel; Fescue species; Fescue, Tall; Fiddleneck; Filaree; Foxtail; Foxtail, Giant; Foxtail, Green; Foxtail, Yellow; Geranium, Wild; Goosegrass; Groundsel, Common; Guineagrass, Seedling; Henbit; Horsenettle; Horseradish; Iceplant; Ironweed; Itchgrass; Johnsongrass; Johnsongrass, Rhizome; Johnsongrass, Seedling; Junglerice; Kikuyugrass; Knapweed; Knapweed, Black; Knapweed, Diffuse; Knapweed, Russian; Knapweed, Spotted; Knawel; Knotweed; Kochia; Ladysthumb; Lambsquarters; Lambsquarters, Common; Lantana; Lettuce, Prickly; Little Bitter Cress; London Rocket; Lovegrass, Diffuse; Maiden Cane; Mallow; Mallow, Common; Mallow, Venice; Marestail (Horseweed); Mayweed; Medic, Black; Medic, Blue; Milkweed; Morningglory, Ivyleaf; Morningglory, Tall; Morningglory, Wild; Mullein, Common; Mustard, Blue; Mustard, Tansy; Mustard, Tumble; Mustard, Wild; Nimblewill; Nutsedge (Nutgrass); Nutsedge, Yellow; Nutsedge, Purple; Oats, Wild; Oldenlandia; Orchardgrass; Oxalis; Oxalis, Yellow; Pampasgrass; Panicum, Fall; Panicum, Texas; Paspalum; Pennycress, Field (Fanweed, Frenchweed, Stinkweed); Pennywort; Pigweed; Pigweed, Prostrate; Pigweed, Redroot (Carelessweed); Pigweed, Rough; Pigweed, Smooth; Pigweed, Tumble; Plantain; Plantain, Broadleaf; Plantain, Buckhorn; Plantain, common; Puncturevine; Purslane; Purslane, Common; Pusley, Florida; Quackgrass; Rabbitfootgrass; Ragweed; Ragweed, Common; Ragweed, Giant (Buffaloweed); Ragwort, Tansy; Sandbur, Field; Sandbur Southern; Sandspur; Sebania, Hemp; Shattercane; Shepherdspurse; Sida, Prickly (Teaweed); Smartweed; Smartweed, Green; Smartweed, Pennsylvania; Smartweed, Swamp; Smooth Cat's Ear; Sorghum almum; Sourdock; Sowthistle; Sowthistle, Annual; Sowthistle, Spiny; Sprangletop; Spurge; Spurge, Garden; Spurge, Leafy; Spurge, Prostrate; Spurge, Spotted; Starthistle, Yellow; St. Augustinegrass; Thistle, Artichoke; Thistle, Bull; Thistle, Canada; Timothy; Toadflax, Blue; Torpedograss; Trumpetcreeper (Buckvine); Vaseygrass; Velvetleaf; Virginia Creeper; Whitetop; Wild Oats; Wild Proso Millet; Wirestem Muhly; Witchgrass; Yarrow; Yarrow, Common