
How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Learn how to get and keep spiders out of your home.

A beautifully spun web can be something to behold, but the arachnid it belongs to? That's a whole other story.

Yes, household spiders can be beneficial. Yes, they prey on many common indoor pests, like flies, roaches, and even other spiders. Yes, most species are harmless to humans –unless you're dealing with a dangerous one like a brown recluse or black widow.

Recently, a new species of spider has been in the spotlight - the Joro Spider. These venomous, but non aggressive, spiders are known for their impressive size, intricate webs and unique bright yellow markings. While native to East Asia, the Joro spider has been making its way to the United States. Even though Joro spiders don’t technically fly, they do parachute or balloon by releasing their silk into the wind, often taking them tens to hundreds of miles.1

You probably don't want common household spiders setting up their homes inside yours. Knowing things like how to prevent spiders from getting into your home, what attracts spiders into your home, how they get inside, and where they like to hide can help you know which tactics are most effective for getting rid of them.

Preventing Spiders From Getting Into Your Home

Ortho® Home Defense® Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2, has Invisi-Shield Technology formula that gives off no fumes, dries clear and dries fast. This bug barrier can be used anytime as a preventative treatment or after you see evidence of insect activity.

What Attracts Spiders to a Home

Spiders are predators by nature, catching their prey using a web or by hunting, depending on the species. Their food of choice includes insects and other spiders, and even the most well-kept home can have the pests they seek. Getting rid of their food is one of the first things to consider. Other things that attract spiders indoors are water, shelter, and warmth. This is why you may find spiders hiding just about anywhere in your home, from the basement, to the attic, to in and around kitchen and bathroom sinks.

How Spiders Get Indoors

Spiders can fit through tiny spaces, so even a small opening around a window or door, a barely noticeable crack in your home's foundation, or an open pipe or vent may serve as an invitation to wander on in. Spiders also can make their way into a home by piggybacking onto everyday objects. Storage boxes brought in from a garage or shed, firewood or lumber, thrifted items, and even groceries and grocery bags can act as impromptu transportation for spiders.

Where Spiders Like to Hide

Spiders are naturally attracted to dark, undisturbed places, including corners, cupboards, closets, storage boxes, piles of paper, cardboard, and clutter. Some spiders may even take refuge in bedding, laundry, or toys. It never hurts to shake out items that have been sitting awhile just to make sure there are no spiders hiding out.

Keeping spiders out of your home involves a combination of preventative measures and maintenance routines. Regularly cleaning and decluttering living spaces can reduce hiding spots. Sealing cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and foundations will help to prevent their entry. Be sure to also tidy up the outdoors by removing debris and dead plants. Most importantly create a bug barrier both indoors and out with Ortho® Home Defense® Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively minimize the presence of spiders in your home.

1 CBS News

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