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The battery-powered Comfort Wand® gives your hands a break with its one-touch continuous spray.
The Trigger Sprayer is all about great value and ease of use. Simply point and squeeze.
The best value for large areas. Mix the specified amount of product with water in a backpack, pump, hose-end, or power sprayer then spray uniformly as a broadcast or spot treatment. You can also use with the Ortho® Dial N Spray® Hose-End Sprayer and eliminate measuring and mixing altogether!
Simply attach the battery-powered Ortho® Comfort Wand® from your previous bottle to your new Refill bottle to spot treat weeds with a continuous stream — no bending or pumping required.
Attaches to a garden hose to treat large areas quickly and easily. No mixing or measuring!
Perfect for spot-treating! Simply point and squeeze.
*Availability and inventory are subject to change.
Active Ingredients
Disposal Methods
Product Label
Keep weeds out of your lawn! Ortho® WeedClear® Lawn Weed Killer Ready-to-Use kills all listed weeds without harming your lawn (when used as directed). It kills over 200 major broadleaf weeds and grass weeds down to the root, dandelion, chickweed, clover, crabgrass, foxtail and others as listed. The formula is rainproof in 1 hour and is fast-acting - you'll see results in just one application. Use this weed killer on lawn grasses, including Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Fescues, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass and Zoysiagrass. Easily apply to weeds using the attached battery-powered Comfort Wand®. Attach the wand to bottle, set to your desired spray pattern, and spray at the center of individual weeds to lightly cover weed leaves. For best results, apply to young, actively growing weeds when daytime temperatures are between 45°F and 90°F*. This product is for spot treatment only; do not apply to the entire lawn. Do not allow people or pets to enter the treated area until sprays have dried. Use Ortho® WeedClear® Lawn Weed Killer Ready-to-Use to kill weeds to the roots so they won't come back! *Do not apply to Bermudagrass when temperatures are above 85°F
How to Use
To apply Ortho® WeedClear® Lawn Weed Killer Ready-to-Use spray:
Where Not to Use
Where to Use
When to Apply
How Often to Apply
Watering Tips
Delay mowing 2 days before and until 2 days after the application of this product.
Yes! This product kills crabgrass and 200+ listed weeds.
Crabgrass, large and smooth; Foxtail, green, yellow and giant; Kikuyugrass; Signalgrass, broadleaf; Annual yellow sweet clover; Aster; Austrian fieldcress; Bedstraw; Beggarticks; Betony, Florida; Bindweed, field; Bird vetch; Bitter wintercress; Bittercress, hairy; Bitterweed; Black-eyed Susan; Black medic; Black mustard; Blackseed plantain; Blessed thistle; Bloodflower milkweed; Blue lettuce; Blue vervain; Bracted plantain; Brassbuttons; Bristly oxtongue; Broadleaf dock; Broadleaf plantain; Broomweed; Buckhorn; Buckhorn plantain; Bulbous buttercup; Bull thistle; Bullnettle; Burclover; Burdock; Burning nettle; Burweed; Buttercup; Buttonweed; Canada thistle; Carolina geranium; Carpetweed; Catchweed bedstraw; Catnip; Catsear; Chickweed, common; Chickweed, mouseear; Chicory; Cinquefoil; Clover, crimson; Clover, hop; Clover, red; Clover, strawberry; Clover, sweet; Clover, white; Cockle; Cocklebur; Common mullein; Creeping Jenny (Creeping Charlie); Cudweed; Curly dock; Daisy, English; Daisy fleabane; Daisy, oxeye; Dandelion; Dichondra; Dogbane; Dogfennel; Dollarweed; False dandelion; Falseflax; False sunflower; Fiddleneck; Florida pusley; Frenchweed; Galinsoga; Goathead; Goldenrod; Ground ivy; Gumweed; Hairy fleabane; Hawkweed; Healall; Heartleaf drymary; Heathaster; Hedge bindweed; Hedge mustard; Hemp; Henbit; Hoary cress; Hoary plantain; Hoary vervain; Horsenettle; Jimsonweed; Knawel; Knotweed; Kochia; Lambsquarters; Lespedeza; Mallow; Matchweed; Mexicanweed; Milk vetch; Momingglory; Mouseear hawkweed; Mugwort; Musk thistle; Mustard; Narrowleaf plantain; Narrowleaf vetch; Nettle; Orange hawkweed; Oriental cocklebur; Oxalis; Parsley-piert; Parsnip; Pearlwort; Pennycress; Pennywort; Peppergrass; Pepperweed; Pigweed; Pineywoods bedstraw; Plains coreopsis (tickseed); Plantain; Poison ivy; Poison oak; Pokeweed; Poorjoe; Prairie sunflower; Prickly lettuce; Prickly sida; Prostrate knotweed; Prostrate pigweed; Prostrate spurge; Prostrate vervain; Puncturevine; Purslane, common; Ragweed; Red sorrel; Redroot pigweed; Redstem filaree; Rough cinquefoil; Rough fleabane; Russian pigweed; Russian thistle; Scarlet pimpernel; Scotch thistle; Sheep sorrel; Shepherd's purse; Slender plantain; Smallflower galinsoga; Smooth dock; Smooth pigweed; Sorrel; Sowthistle; Spanishneedles; Speedwell; Spiny amaranth; Spiny cocklebur; Spiny sowthistle; Spotted catsear; Spotted spurge; Spurweed; Stinging nettle; Strawberry, India mock; Tall nettle; Tall vervain; Tansy ragwort; Tansy mustard; Tanweed; Thistle; Trailing crownvetch; Tumble mustard; Tumble pigweed; Velvetleaf; Venice mallow; Virginia buttonweed; Virginia creeper; Virginia pepperweed; Wavyleaf bullthistle; Western clematis; Western salsify; White mustard; Wild aster; Wild buckwheat; Wild carrot; Wild four-o'clock; Wild garlic; Wild geranium; Wild lettuce; Wild marigold; Wild mustard; Wild onion; Wild parsnip; Wild radish; Wild rape; Wild strawberry; Wild sweet potato; Wild vetch; Wild violet; Woodsorrel; Woolly croton; Woolly morningglory; Woolly plantain; Wormseed; Yarrow; Yellow rocket; Yellowflower pepperweed
People and pets may re-enter the treated area after the spray has dried.
This pesticide is toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Drift and runoff may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in water adjacent to treated areas. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. This product has properties and characteristics associated with chemicals detected in groundwater. The use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in groundwater contamination. Application around a cistern or well may result in contamination of drinking water or groundwater.