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Defend your outdoor space from ants with Ortho® Orthene® Fire Ant Killer Lawn & Landscape Broadcast Ready-to-Spray. This pest control product kills fire ants and prevents new mounds from forming for up to 3 months. Plus, this ant killer controls ants, fleas, and American dog ticks for up to 3 months. In addition to killing foraging fire ants, it also kills listed insects, spider mites, mosquitoes, and ticks (see label for complete list). Use this spray outdoors only, on lawns, flowers, trees, and shrubs. To apply, connect the sprayer to your garden hose and turn on the water. Slide the lever to the ON position to begin spraying. Spray to uniformly cover upper and lower leaf surfaces, stems, and branches, or spray evenly to lawns only until the surface is wet. To stop spraying, slide the lever to the OFF position and turn off the water. People and pets may enter the treated area after spray has dried. One 32 fl. oz. container of Ortho® Orthene Fire Ant Killer Lawn & Landscape Broadcast Ready-to-Spray covers up to 5,300 sq. ft. of lawn.
No! Our ready-spray product kills fire ants as well as other listed insects including aphids, beetles, stink bugs, American dog ticks, and more.
We recommend waiting to apply this product if rain is expected. It needs at least 4 hours to dry before it can withstand rain.
A 32 oz. container of Ortho® Orthene® Fire Ant Killer Lawn & Landscape Broadcast Ready-to-Spray covers up to 5,300 sq. ft.
Adelgids (Eastern Sprucegall), Ants (Acrobat, Allegheny Mound, Argentine, Big Headed, Carpenter, Citronella, Cornfield, Crazy, Ghost, Harvester, Imported Fire, Lasius, Little Black, Odorous House, Pavement, Pharaoh/Sugar, Pyramid, Small Honey, Theif, White Footed), Aphids (Apple, Black Cherry, Black Pecan, Buckhorn, Greenbug, Pea, Root, Rose, Rosy Apple, Walnut, Yellow Pecan), Beetles & Larvae (Billbugs [Bluegrass & Hunting], Cucumber [Banded, Spotted & Striped], Black Turfgrass Ataenius, Blister, Brown Leaf Notcher, Curculio [Cow Pea & Plum], Elm Leaf, Ground, Japanese Adult, Lady beetles [Asian, Convergent, Seven-Spotted, Thirteen-Spotted, & Twice-Stabbed], Pine Chafter, Pine Shoot, Rose Chafer, Sap, Weevils [Annual Bluegrass, Black Vine, Diaprepes Root, Little Leaf Notcher, Northern Pine, Orchard, Orchid, Pecan, & Pine Shoot], Whitefringed, Caterpillars (Armyworm [Beet, Fall, Southern, True, & Yellowstriped], Bagworms, Banded Ash Clearwing, Budworm, Casebearers [Pecan Leaf & Pecan Nut], Cutworms [Black, Bronzed, Dingy, Granulate, Spotted, Variegated, & Western Bean], Fiery Skipper, Filbertworm, Green Cloverworm, Hickory Shuckworm, Painted Lady, Pickleworm, Pine Tip Moths [Nantucket, Pitch, Ponderosa, Southestern, & Western], Saltmarsh, Striped Grasddworm, Tent, Webworms [Fall, Mimosa, Oak, Sod, & Tropical Sod]), Chinch Bugs (False, Hairy, Southern), Crickets (Arizona, Common Shrt Tailed, Eastern Striped, Fall Field. House, Indies Short Tailed, Northern Wood, Sand Field, Spring Field Cricket, Southeastern Field, Southern Wood, Texas Field, Tropical, Variable Field, Vocal Field, Western Striped), Fleas (Cats, Dogs), Grasshoppers, Hornets, Lace Bugs, Mealybugs, Mites (Banks Grass, Broad, Carmine, Chigger, Clover, European Grain, Pacific Spider, Pecan Leaf Scorch, Pecan Scorch, Red Spider, Spider, Spruce, Two-Spotted Spider), Mole Crickets (European, Northern, Prairie, Short-winged, Southern, Tawny, Mosquitoes* (Malaria, Northern House, Yellow Fever), Moths (Artichoke Plume, Codling, Diamondback, Gyspy/Spongy, Lucerne, Oriental Fruit, Zimmerman Pine), Periodical Cicadas, Plant Bugs (Tarnished, Lygus Bugs), Sawflies (European Pine, Redheaded Pine, Rose Slug), Spittlebugs (Meadow, Pecan, Two Lined), Stink Bugs (Brown Marmorated, Kudzu), Spotted Lanternflies, Thrips, Ticks** (American Dog, Brown Dog, Deer), Wasps, Whiteflies, Yellowjackets *including those that may transmit the Chikungunya virus, yellow fever, dengue fever, encephalitis, West Nile Virus and the Zika Virus **Including ticks that may transmit Lyme disease
This product is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run-off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Sweeping any product that lands on a driveway, sidewalk, or street, back onto the treated area of the lawn will help to prevent run-off to water bodies or drainage systems. Drift and run-off from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas. Care should be used when spraying to avoid fish and reptile pets in/around ornamental ponds. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment of residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow to drift to blooming crops if bees are visiting the treatment area.
People and pets may enter treated areas after spray has dried.