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Control listed insects, diseases, and mites with Ortho® Tree & Shrub Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate. This combination insecticide, fungicide and miticide kills eggs, as well as larval and adult stages of insects, and it provides control of insect pests including aphids, mealybugs, mites, scales, whiteflies, beetles, and other listed pests. It also prevents and controls various listed fungal diseases, including powdery mildew, black spot, brown spot, snow mold, and rust. Ortho® Tree & Shrub Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate is for use on fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, spices, roses, houseplants, flowers, shrubs and turfgrass. This product is most effective when applied in early to mid‐morning or late afternoon when adult insect pests, such as whiteflies, are normally sedentary on the undersides of the foliage. Can be used up to day of harvest.
How to Use
Where Not to Use
Where to Use
When to Apply
How Often to Apply
Mixing Directions
People and pets may enter the treated area after the spray has dried.
This pesticide is toxic to aquatic organisms including fish and invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Rinsing application equipment over the treated area will help avoid runoff to water bodies or drainage systems.