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The battery-powered Comfort Wand® gives your hands a break with its one-touch continuous spray.
The Trigger Sprayer is all about great value and ease of use. Simply point and squeeze.
The best value for large areas. Mix the specified amount of product with water in a backpack, pump, hose-end, or power sprayer then spray uniformly as a broadcast or spot treatment. You can also use with the Ortho® Dial N Spray® Hose-End Sprayer and eliminate measuring and mixing altogether!
Simply attach the battery-powered Ortho® Comfort Wand® from your previous bottle to your new Refill bottle to spot treat weeds with a continuous stream — no bending or pumping required.
Attaches to a garden hose to treat large areas quickly and easily. No mixing or measuring!
Perfect for spot-treating! Simply point and squeeze.
*Availability and inventory are subject to change.
Active Ingredients
Disposal Methods
If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling if available.
If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Under no circumstances should the unused product be disposed of down any indoor or outdoor drain.
Product Label
Kill weeds down to the root without harming your lawn (when used as directed)! Ortho® WeedClear™ Lawn Weed Killer Ready-To-Use1 controls and suppresses over 250 types of weeds, including major broadleaf weeds (see label for list), dandelion, clover, oxalis, chickweed, and spurge, yet won't damage your grass (when used as directed). The formula is rainproof in hours and delivers visible results in 24 hours. The liquid herbicide enters through leaves and moves inside the weed down to the roots. To use, install the battery-powered Ortho® Comfort Wand from the side of the bottle to easily reach and spot-treat weeds with a continuous stream — no bending or pumping required! Best to apply when weeds are young and actively growing. Recommended for use on multiple lawn varieties including Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fescues, common bermudagrass, hybrid bermudagrass, bahiagrass, bentgrass, buffalograss, centipedegrass, zoysiagrass, and St. Augustinegrass (except Floratam).
How to Use
To apply Ortho® WeedClear™ Lawn Weed Killer Ready-to-Use1:
Where Not to Use
Where to Use
When to Apply
How Often to Apply
Watering Tips
Amaranth, purple; Amaranth, slender; Aster, heath; Aster, white heath; Aster, purple; Aster, white prairie; Artichoke; Austrian fieldcress; Bedstraw, catch-weed; Bedstraw, smooth; Bedstraw, northern; Bedstraw, pineywoods; Beggar-ticks, hairy; Betony, Florida; Bindweed, field; Bindweed, hedge; Bitter Wintercress; Bitter-cress, hairy; Bitterweed; Black-eyed Susan; Black medic; Blood-flower milkweed; Blue lettuce; Brassbuttons; Bristly oxtongue; Broomweed; Buckhorn; Bull-nettle; Bur-clover; Burdock; Burweed, lawn; Buttercup, bulbous; Buttercup, creeping; Buttonweed, common (poorjoe); Buttonweed, Virginia; Carolina geranium; Carpetweed; Catnip; Catsear, spotted (false dandelion); Chamber bitter; Chickweed, common; Chickweed, mouse-ear; Chickweed, sticky; Chicory; Cinquefoil; Clover, crimson; Clover, Alyce; Clover, hop; Clover, rabbit-foot; Clover, red; Clover, strawberry; Clover, yellow sweet; Clover, white sweet; Clover, white; Cockle; Cocklebur; Cocklebur, spiny; Common mullein; Corn spurry; Creeping beggar-weed; Creeping Jenny (creeping Charlie); Cupid’s shaving brush; Cudweed; Daisy, English; Daisy, oxeye; Dandelion, common; Dandelion, false; Day-flower; Deadnettle; Dichondra; Dock, broadleaf; Dock, curly; Dogbane; Dog-fennel; Dollarweed (Pennywort); Dove-weed; Elderberry; Falseflax; False sunflower; Fiddleneck; Filaree, redstem; Filaree, whitestem; Fleabane, daisy (annual); Fleabane, rough; Galinsoga, hairy; Galinsoga, smallflower; Goldenrod; Ground ivy; Groundsel; Gumweed; Hairy fleabane; Hawkweed, meadow; Hawkweed, mouse-ear; Hawkweed, orange; Hawkweed, yellow; Healall; Heart-leaf drymary; Hemp; Henbit; Hoary-cress; Horsenettle; Horseweed; Jimsonweed; Johnny-jumpup violet; Knawel; Knotweed, prostrate; Kochia; Lambsquarters; Lespedeza; Mallow, alkali; Mallow, bristly; Mallow, common; Mallow, dwarf; Mallow, Venice; Marcela; Matchweed; Mexican-weed; Moneywort; Morningglory, bigroot; Morningglory, ivyleaf; Morningglory, red; Morningglory, tall; Morningglory, woolly; Mugwort; Mustard, ball; Mustard, black; Mustard, Indian; Mustard, tansy; Mustard, tumble; Mustard, white; Mustard, blue; Mustard, hedge; Mustard, wormseed; Nettle, stinging; Nettle, tall; Nettle, wood; Parsley-piert; Parsnip; Pearlwort; Pennycress; Pepperweed, perennial; Pepperweed, Virginia (Peppergrass); Pigweed, prostrate; Pigweed, redroot; Pigweed, Russian; Pigweed, smooth; Pigweed, tumble; Pineapple weed; Plains coreopsis (tickseed); Plantain, black-seed; Plantain, bracted; Plantain, broadleaf; Plantain, buckhorn; Plantain, hoary; Plantain, narrow-leaf; Plantain, slender; Plantain, woolly; Poison ivy; Poison oak; Pokeweed; Prairie sunflower; Prickly lettuce (compass plant); Prickly sida; Prostrate knotweed; Puncturevine; Purslane, common; Pusley, Brazilian; Pusley, Florida; Pusley, large flower; Ragweed, bur; Ragweed, common; Ragweed, lance-leaf; Ragweed, western; Redstem filaree; Rough cinquefoil; Scarlet pimpernel; Shepherd’s purse; Smartweed, ladysthumb; Smartweed, pale; Smartweed, Pennsylvania; Smooth chaff-flower; Smooth dock; Sorrel, red (sheep); Sowthistle, annual; Sowthistle, spiny; Spanish needles; Speedwell, bi-lobed; Speedwell, common; Speedwell, corn; Speedwell, ivyleaf; Speedwell, slender; Speedwell, snow; Speedwell, thyme-leaf; Spiny amaranth; Speedwell, Persian; Speedwell, purslane; Spurge, spotted; Spurge, prostrate; Star of Bethlehem; Strawberry, Indian mock; Tansy ragwort; Tanweed; Thistle, blessed; Thistle, bull; Thistle, Canada; Thistle, Flodman’s; Thistle, musk; Thistle, plumeless; Thistle, prairie; Thistle, Russian; Thistle, Scotch; Thistle, wavy-leaf; Thistle, yellow; Trailing crown-vetch; Velvetleaf; Vervain, blue; Vervain, hoary; Vervain, prostrate; Vervain, tall; Vetch, bird; Vetch, hairy; Vetch, milk; Vetch, narrow-leaf; Vetch, wild; Virginia creeper; Western clematis; Western salsify; Wild aster; Wild buckwheat; Wild carrot; Wild four-o-clock; Wild garlic; Wild lettuce; Wild marigold; Wild mustard; Wild onion; Wild parsnip; Wild radish; Wild rape; Wild strawberry; Wild sweet potato; Wild violet; Woodsorrel, creeping; Woodsorrel, violet; Woodsorrel, yellow (Oxalis); Woolly croton; Wormseed; Yarrow, common; Yarrow, western; Yarrow, yellow; Yellow Rocket
People and pets may reenter the space once the herbicide has thoroughly dried