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Learn how to identify and control mosquitoes and about what diseases they can carry.
Mosquito-borne illnesses in the United States have been increasing, which makes learning to identify mosquitoes increasingly important. While most mosquito bites are just itchy, some diseases they carry like West Nile and Zika viruses can become very serious and even deadly. Mosquitoes are seemingly present everywhere during the warm summer months when their populations peak, but there are other flying and biting insects, too. Learning a few basics can help you determine if you've got mosquitoes, and how to prevent and get rid of these pests.
Mosquitoes are insects with a pair of wings, much like other members of the fly family. When viewing a mosquito up close, you'll see it has a long proboscis that functions as the pest's mouth and is used to suck up fluids (like blood) from its prey. In addition, mosquitoes have 6 slender legs, small heads with large eyes, and antennae. According to the World Health Organization, while these pests are small, they are responsible for more than 700,000 deaths annually from vector borne diseases which includes those transmitted by mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes vary in color. Both the northern and southern house mosquito are brown with white bands on their abdomens and pale undersides and extremely hard to tell the difference without a microscope. Yellow fever mosquitoes, which are found in the U.S. and have had a dramatic impact throughout history, are jet-black with white or silvery scales on their thorax in the pattern of a lyre or violin. The Asian tiger mosquito, also commonplace in the U.S., is black and has a single white stripe down its head and thorax. Both the yellow fever and Asian tiger mosquito also have white bands on their legs.
You can tell if you have a mosquito problem by watching out for a few common signs. First, most mosquitoes tend to be most active at dawn and dusk. If you notice a lot of insects flying around or you're getting bug bites during twilight hours, it might be mosquitoes. However, there are mosquito species that are daytime biters, which can be particularly frustrating when you're trying to accomplish regular landscaping tasks like mowing the lawn.
Second, keep an eye on areas of your yard with standing water. Mosquitoes are most frequently found near wetland areas or landscapes that have ponds or stagnant creeks. If these bodies of water sit stagnant, they make the ideal place for female mosquitoes to deposit their eggs. Of course, you don't have to live on the edge of a dank forest or swamp to experience a mosquito problem. Mosquitoes will lay their eggs in bird baths, backyard rain puddles, tree holes, flower pot saucers, or even a child's plastic pail that contains a bit of water. Mosquitoes also prefer to hide in tall grasses (especially weeds) near water sources.
Mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting diseases like yellow fever, dengue fever, encephalitis, West Nile virus, Zika, and malaria. Ferocious feeders, mosquitoes that are infected with a disease can transmit it when they bite. Often, people don't even notice when a mosquito is biting and drawing blood until mid-way through the meal or long after it has flown away.
There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes, and more than 100 of them are found in the U.S. The most dangerous mosquitoes, and most common, are the species of Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex.
Would you be able to identify one of these species at a backyard evening barbecue or while walking the trash out to the bins with your hands full? Probably not. What's important, then, is to stay tuned to local warnings that alert communities to the presence of disease-carrying mosquitoes.
In addition to potentially spreading disease, mosquito bites can also cause allergic reactions in some people (though this is not common). Contact your doctor or local poison control center immediately if you experience any unusual symptoms after getting a bug bite. Moreover, if your property is infested with these insects, it's important to take steps to lower their numbers before you get bitten.
Preventing a mosquito invasion is your best defense against these pests. Long before you even notice a mosquito, you should take a few steps:
Reducing mosquito habitat is important, but you may live in an area that is simply prone to mosquitoes. So, you'll want to take steps to prevent being bitten. During peak mosquito season, try to avoid performing garden or landscape chores in the early morning or early evening, when mosquitoes are most actively hunting for a meal. If you do spend time outdoors, cover up with long sleeves and wear a personal mosquito repellent. Repellents won't prevent every single bite, but they can help reduce your overall risk for bites considerably.
Ortho® Home Defense® has a line of mosquito control products that you can use to safeguard your yard and patio from mosquitoes in 3 easy steps. Then, during your next backyard BBQ, you should notice less buzzing in your ear and fewer itchy bites.