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The battery-powered Comfort Wand® gives your hands a break with its one-touch continuous spray.
The Trigger Sprayer is all about great value and ease of use. Simply point and squeeze.
The best value for large areas. Mix the specified amount of product with water in a backpack, pump, hose-end, or power sprayer then spray uniformly as a broadcast or spot treatment. You can also use with the Ortho® Dial N Spray® Hose-End Sprayer and eliminate measuring and mixing altogether!
Simply attach the battery-powered Ortho® Comfort Wand® from your previous bottle to your new Refill bottle to spot treat weeds with a continuous stream — no bending or pumping required.
Perfect for spot-treating! Simply point and squeeze.
*Availability and inventory are subject to change.
Active Ingredients
Disposal Methods
Product Label
Ortho® Home Defense® Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2 kills common household bugs such as ants, bees, beetles, centipedes, cockroaches, crickets, fleas, flies, millipedes, mosquitoes, moths, spiders, stink bugs, ticks, termites, periodical cicadas, and more (as listed). This insect killer creates a bug barrier of up to 12 months protection (against ants, roaches and spiders indoors on non-porous surfaces) to provide long-lasting results. In addition, the Invisi-Shield Technology formula gives off no fumes, dries clear, and dries fast. Use Ortho® Home Defense® Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2 anytime as a preventative treatment or after you see evidence of insect activity for long lasting-control. Apply with confidence indoors (kitchens, bathrooms, doors and windows) and outdoors (perimeter of foundations, patios and decks, garages) wherever insects are a recurring problem. For indoor surfaces, hold sprayer 12 inches from surface being sprayed and apply a 4 inch wide band along the interior of the home in areas where insects are a recurring problem. Area should be sprayed until slightly wet without soaking. For perimeter treatment, also hold sprayer 12 inches from surface being sprayed and apply a 12 inch wide band along the exterior of the home.
How to Use
Prep the Comfort Wand®
Where Not to Use
Where to Use
When to Apply
How Often to Apply
Yes, Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter2 can be used both indoors and outdoors! Just ensure that people and pets stay out of the treated area until the spray has completely dried.
Avoid applying during rain or when rain is expected before the product has at least 4 hours to dry. If it rains within 24 hours of application, it could lead to unintended runoff.
Adelgids: Eastern Sprucegall; Ants: Argentine, Carpenter, Foraging Fire Ants, Pavement, Pharaoh/Sugar, Pyramid, and Red/Western Harvester; Aphids: Apple, Black Cherry, Buckhorn, Greenbug, Pea, Pecan, Rose, Rosy Apple, and Walnut; Bees; Beetles: Billbugs, Black Turfgrass Ataenius, Carpet, Colorado Potato, Corn Rootworm (Adults), Curculio (Cow Pea, Plum), Elm Leaf, Flea, Japanese (Adults), Lady Beetles (including Asian Lady Beetle Eggs), Mexican Bean, Pine Chafer (grub), Pine Shoot, Sap, Spotted Cucumber/Southern Corn Rootworm (Adults), Striped Cucumber, and Weevils (Annual Bluegrass & Black Vine); Borers: American Plum, European Corn, Lesser Peachtree, Peachtree, Peach Twig, Southwestern Corn, Squash Vine, and Stalk; Boxelder Bugs; Bristletails; Caterpillars: Alfalfa, Armyworms (Beet, Fall, Biting, Southern, True, Yellow Striped, Beet Armyworm Eggs), Bagworms, Blueberry Spanworm, Budworms, Corn Earworm, Cutworms, Cranberry Fruitworm, Filbertworm, Green Cloverworm, Green Fruitworm, Filbertworm, Green Cloverworm, Green Fruitworm, Hickory Shuckworm, Hornworms (Tobacco & Tomato), Imported Cabbageworm, Loopers (Alfalfa, Cabbage, Celery), Navel Orangeworm, Painted Lady, Pecan Nut Casebearer, Pickleworm, Rindworm, Saltmarsh, Sod Webworms, Tent, and Velvetbean; Centipedes; Chinch Bug: Hairy, and Southern; Cockroaches: American/Palmetto Bug/Waterbug, Asian, German, and Oriental; Cricket; Earwigs; Firebrats; Fleas: Cat, and Dog; Flies: Apple Maggot, Biting Flies, Cherry Fruit, Cornsilk, European Crane (Adult), and House; Fungus Gnats; Grasshoppers; Hornets; Lace Bugs; Leaffooted Bugs: Squash Bug; Leafhoppers; Leafminers: Alder, Tentiform, and Vegetable; Leafrollers: Oblique Banded, Red-Banded, and Variegated; Mealybug; Midges; Millipedes; Mites: Broad, Carmine, Chigger, Clover, European Red, Pecan Scorch, Spruce, Two Spotted Spider (Adult), and Two Spotted Spider (Eggs); Mole Crickets; Mosquitoes; Moths: Artichoke Plume, Codling, Diamondback, and Gypsy; Periodical Cicada; Phylloxera: Pecan Leaf, and Pecan Stem; Pillbugs and Rollie Pollies; Plant Bugs: Lygus, and Tarnished; Psyllids: Pear; Sawflies: European Pine, and Redheaded Pine; Scales: Brown Soft, California Red, Euonymus, and San Jose; Scorpions; Silverfish; Sowbugs; Spiders: Black Widow, Brown Recluse, Hobo, and Wolf; Spittlebugs: Pecan; Springtails; Stink Bugs: Brown Marmorated, and Kudzu; Stored Product Pests; Thrips; Ticks; Termites; Wasps; Whiteflies; Yellowjackets
This pesticide is extremely toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, oysters and shrimp. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Drift and run off from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas. Care should be used when spraying to avoid fish and reptile pets in/around ornamental ponds. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming plants. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming plants if bees are visiting the treatment area.